Community Code of Conduct

1. Values

Our values at MerchFriends are the building blocks of our work, efforts, and community. We value transparency, feedback, friendliness, creativity, and inclusion. These values allow us to strive to collaborate and create space in this industry.

2. Expectations

We are building a community where members feel heard, respected, and valued.  Some simple expectations:

  1. We are curious, open, and respectful.

  2. We value and promote diversity and inclusion. (See statement below) 

  3. We abide by the laws regarding discrimination, harrassment, and bullying.

  4. We seek to actively listen and take feedback from others in mind.

  5. We offer experiential anecdotes without the giving of advice (See statement below) 

  6. We will not engage or try to influence or begin Anti-Trust conversations.  
    (See statement below)

3. Expectations

This code of conduct applies to all active, present and future members and guests of the MerchFriends community. Any member, at any level, as well as any Board Member, Sponsor, Presenter or guest, is expected to understand, adapt, and follow these principles.

4. Next Steps

Should any staff of MerchFriends, or MerchFriends member, Board Member, Sponsor, Presenter, or guest feel that this Code of Conduct has been breached or violated, they should report their concern to the Program Manager (contact listed below), with any additional documentation and information available. The Program Manager will assess, review, and investigate the concerns in a timely manner and respond to involved parties with any findings and consequences.

5. Consequences

Failure to follow this Code of Conduct may result in a range of consequences, including flagging or removal of content or commentary, or removal from the MerchFriends community. In the event of suspension or termination of membership for any reason of violation of this Code of Conduct, appropriate notice of suspension or termination will be given in reference to the issues at hand.
Membership dues may not be refunded in the event of suspension or termination of the membership. Members who have been suspended will be given the opportunity to renew their membership. Members who have been terminated will not be eligible to renew their membership.

6. References + Links

MerchFriends Program Manager
Dylan Gette-King

Diversity & Inclusion Statement

We are committed to building a community with a variety of backgrounds, skills and views. We welcome that every person brings a unique perspective and experience to add value to our community and industries, and advance our mission to connect globally.

Anti-Trust Statement

As a 501(c)6 registered non-profit trade organization, we cannot allow or condone any Anti-Trust illusions, behavior, or conversations. MerchFriends Members, Sponsors, and Presenters are competitors, suppliers, and customers. MerchFriends meetings and functions shall not be used as a forum to obtain unlawful individual company advantages or to achieve anti-competitive objectives for any segment or MerchFriends membership. MerchFriends may be held responsible for unlawful conduct by its members, Sponsors, Presenters, or Guests. Accordingly, MerchFriends requires members, Sponsors, Presenters, and guests to avoid any conduct that might violate- or would create the appearance of a violation of- the United States Anti-Trust laws.

Experience Shares vs. Advice

While MerchFriends seeks to be a space to share ideas, work through hurdles, and troubleshoot with other industry professionals, in order to limit the invitation of conflict between members, we strongly encourage helpful experience shares, rather than offering direct advice. 

Consider the following:

  • Speak from your own experiences rather than giving advice or opinions

  • Use “I” statements instead of “You” statements

  • Speak in past tense

  • Avoid the “Should”, “Would”, “Could”

  • Do not speak in generalities, be specific

  • Only take responsibility for yourself, do not place blame

By sharing experiences, we end up with data that promotes better decision‐making and allows for bonding and cohesion building in the group.

Basically: Be cool to each other, and don’t collude.

Last Updated: 3/18/2022